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Tahoma 31 (Cynondon ‘OKC1311’) is known for both its improved cold hardiness and improved drought resistance. Bermuda Tahoma 31 was developed from two very cold and drought resistant plants found in some of the most extreme landscapes on the planet.

The Mother Plant was collected on a trek in the mountains on the eastern side of the Himalayas (China), a region known to be very dry and cold. The Parent Plant, a fine-textured grass, was harvested from South Africa, also known for its cold, dry climate.

Dr. Yanqi Wu, a professor of plant breeding and genetics at Oklahoma State University, likes to search for plant germplasm. Dr. Wu’s passion for hiking in extreme climates while searching for unusual plants brings us the story of Tahoma 31 bermudagrass (OKC 1131, varietal name).

Dr. Wu and the OSU turf team grew the mother plants in 2006 and germinated seeds in 2007 at the OSU Agronomic Research Farm in Stillwater, OK. From those crosses, more than 10,000 offspring were created. The selection began in 2007. By 2008, only 1600 plants remained and they went into outdoor trials.

The winter of 2010 was extremely cold and crushed most of those 1600 plants, #31 being the exception. The “31” plant dominated with early spring greening and a very dense appearance. “Thirty-One” was chosen in 2011 for further OSU testing, hence the varietal name OKC 1131.

More than a decade of research at OSU and research centers across the country through NTEP and other trials demonstrated the variety’s many beneficial qualities. In 2017, Sod Production Services was licensed under OKC 1131 and searched for a suitable name.

Research and a bit of luck turned up Tahoma, a Native American word meaning frozen water. Taking into account the origin of the variety, the name “Tahoma 31 Bermudagrass” seemed the most appropriate.

Dr Ynaqi Wu, tahoma31

Dr Wu:

“This grass is truly a unique genotype that combines favorable genetic factors for cold hardiness through gene contribution and interaction between the two parents.”


Developed by top turfgrass researchers at Oklahoma State University (as OKC 1131) and through national testing in the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP), the Tahoma 31 bermudagrass proved resilient and excelled. on key metrics compared to other bermudagrasses including Tifway, TifTuf and Latitude. 36.

Test after test, Tahoma 31 showed its exceptional winter hardiness, tested up to 75% more cold tolerant than other bermudagrass varieties.

With the additional features of improved wear tolerance and drought resistance, Tahoma 31 is ideal for sports turf, golf courses and premium turfgrasses in the Mid-Atlantic and Transition Zone.